Well, at least my neurologist thinks I am doing "pretty good." That's what he told me after he said he did not want to change any of my medications. He said I am on high doses now, and though the concern is not about the blood test levels, or about harming my liver or kidneys or anything else, he thinks since I am lucid (says the main concern would be if I got to feeling "drunk" from the meds--which I am not) and in his estimation doing "pretty good" right now, we'll just keep things the way they are. All I can say is this: I've got his number. If things get worse, that will be my voice on the other end of the line...
1 comment:
It warmed my heart to see the yarnharlot listed as someone you read. Now you should check out pan-opticon and delores the sheep who is running for president in the fibertarian party. reg worked at SJH today so we talked and both wanted to fuss over you. sorry about how doctors are sometimes.
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