As a little girl I really liked a certain horse show on TV. I think it was called Fury or something like that. It was in black and white and I remember it being on early in the mornings before school. I have never been horseback riding, only knew one family that had horses (the Murrays had a horse named Ginger, I think), and in fact was a little intimidated by them (and still am to be honest). But I loved that show. Anyway, even though I am not a horse person, I found it entertaining and fun a couple mornings ago to be awakened early by the dog barking and howling only to find that this commotion was due to a visiting horse in our yard!
This horse was visiting just because she could, I suppose. Her electric fence was off and she took full advantage by stepping out of her enclosure, wandering away from home and coming to our place. She relieved herself in the front yard, took a hunk out of a pretty new seedum that I planted this year, ate some phlox and tried to make friends with us. Liz found her owner and in the process we met our neighbor from about 1/2 mile away, and Laura offered her babysitting services for her 9 year old daughter.
So, now we can add to the list of unusual sightings we've had in our yard over the years---turkeys, deer, bear, neighbor's giant pet rabbit, dogs, porcupine and... horse. Living in the country always provides something new to appreciate.
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