Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good News

I am feeling so happy today. I saw my neurologist this morning and the dilantin and the neurontin are going away immediately. I only have to take the carbatrol now and if there are no schocks during the next two weeks, it will be tapered down to (hopefully) nothing. He did say that sometimes the trigeminal nerve is still sensitive just from the surgery, causing shocking to still happen, which would mean that a person could have to stay on the carbatrol longer. But he was pretty optimistic and that's how I am feeling too.

He did some basic neuro checks in the office, and it is evident that I have lost some hearing on the left (I suspected as much since I can't hear the TV as well as I could before) and the sensation in various parts of the left side of my face and head are reduced. This is all related to having those nerves manipulated during the surgery and hopefully it will all get better as they heal over time. If not, I guess I'd say right now that it's a small price to pay for being rid of electric shock facial pain.

Today my simple goal is to remain awake all day. No naps (or sheer crashing into sleep...), so I need to get up and move around because I can feel the fatigue coming on now...

1 comment:

sarah said...

It is simply time...I am so glad you are feeling better. Soon you will really be "beyond the pillbox" or "out of the pillbox"