Monday, October 20, 2008

The Call...almost

Caller ID showed Froedtert Memorial Hosp, so I got a bit excited about the prospect of what would happen when I answered. I played it cool, though--not wanting to sound TOO eager, although I've been w a i t i n g so patiently (?) for how many weeks now? All this time, just knowing that getting the call and putting appointments on the calendar would give me a sense of comfort and peace of mind. Indeed it was the very, very nice Erin calling to say... (drum roll please) that I have been accepted as a patient!

BUT they aren't quite ready to schedule the appointments. Yes, I did remain calm. Why expend energy on something I have no control over, and besides she is so very, very nice. She explained that the doctor's clinic schedule has gotten kind of filled up with surgeries, so they have to get some things sorted out in order to get the clinic schedule to actually allow for clinic visits. By the end of this week that should be accomplished and I can expect another call to actually arrange what I need. Oh, and she clarified what they have decided I will need: an MRI with FIESTA imaging one week prior to seeing the doctor. I have never heard of this type of MRI, but evidently it has nothing to do with chips and margaritas (See? Only a very, very nice medical assistant would lighten the mood by saying that); it's actually a way of directly imaging the nerve and its offending blood vessels.

So, that's that. I take all of this as a good sign, really, and think that maybe I'll be one of those surgical patients who they see fit to plug into clinic time so as not to make me wait too long.

Or not. I just have to be patient. That's easier to say than do, like most things. Today was an okay day overall, so I feel like I got a little more resilience on my side of the scoreboard, and that always helps.

1 comment:

Salzwedel Family said... chips or margaritas? Congrats on being accepted as a patient!